Muta! Lab



Do you feel like you need a creative space in which to pour out what you have inside?

Do you feel blocked and want to surprise yourself by breaking down your limiting beliefs?

Sign up for Muta!Lab and start a path towards transformation: break creative and personal blockages, freeing yourself from those limiting thoughts that prevent you from advancing in your creative and vital growth.


What is it?


It's a intensive course one Saturday a month which combines artistic techniques, therapeutic art and theatre. Dance, body, writing, painting, photography, drawing and play, lots of play, will help us to fully express the creativity that we carry within.


What's included?


  • 9 intensive Saturdays of play and creativity.
  • A collective tutorial at the end of the first quarter.
  • An individual dramaturgical accompaniment during the second trimester.
  • A dossier containing the reference materials used during the training. 
  • The creation of a theatrical and/or performative solo.
  • An exhibition in front of the public in a professional room in Barcelona: the Phoenix Room.


Photographs by Miriam Martí Pallarès. IG: @mmartipallares.

About us?


The Cia Cándida training team is Anna Tamayo Escalera, founder of the company, actress, playwright, theater director and facilitator of community theater processes, and Mercè Alegre Bastida, art therapist specializing in accompanying grief and loss through art and in accompanying creative processes. 

In Muta!Lab We want to accompany the individual process of each student with the intention of going beyond fears, shame, internal obstacles so that in the end a very genuine theatrical solo emerges in which the person, despite exposing themselves, does not feel unprotected, but feels safe and cared for.

Practical information


The first Saturday of each month, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. except when there is a long weekend or holiday.
The specific calendar would be the following:

October 5

November 9

December 14

January 11

February 1

March 1

April 5

May 10

June 7th

Tutorials, dramaturgical accompaniment and extra rehearsals will be agreed upon later with the people involved.

**The course will be taught in Catalan and Spanish but each participant can express themselves in the language they wish.**

Siconi Room
C/ Rosselló, 461

PRICE: €120/Saturday 

Tel. 658 911 618 (Anna) / 669 791 348 (Mercè)



Duration: one Saturday a month, from 10am to 7pm + occasional online individual and group sessions to tutor the creative project.

Price: €120 per month.

Plazas: minimum 6, maximum 10.

Materials: comfortable clothes, water, notebook and pen.
