Mercè Alegre Bastida
Art therapist, plastic artist, writer and educator. Graduated in the master's degree in Transdisciplinary Art Therapy from IATBA and graduated in Humanities from the Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona.
Member of Les Comares, co-author of the book After the focus. Performs various therapeutic art performances (The spring cow at the Caixa Fòrum, rabbit teeth in the Pati Llimona and Oh my gosh, where are you? at the IATBA) and participates in various group exhibitions (Meeting at the Sant Lluc Artistic Circle and Us. Resignifying our bodies at the Sagnier House).
She works as a volunteer in different therapeutic communities in the United States and Canada. She works as an English teacher at the Quatre Cantons institute in Barcelona. She carries out guided tours and educational workshops in different cultural entities in Barcelona and nearby (Caves Freixenet, Gran Teatro del Liceo, Museum of History of Catalonia, Palau Güell, Casa Vicens). Conduct art therapy sessions with children and adults with IFD (intellectual functional diversity), conduct the therapeutic creation workshop The Tree Woman in the La Tregua Space and contributes through careful therapeutic art in the creation of Laura by Gemma Farriols, autobiographical performance about sexist violence. Accompany the creative and emotional process of Anna Tamayo in Candida, works as a documentary filmmaker in 200,000 women and accompanies the creative and emotional process of Anna and Rosa, mother and daughter, in My Mother in panties.
She currently works at the Lola Anglada school in Esplugues de Llobregat as an Art Advisor for children from 3 to 12 years old (preschool and primary school) and facilitates art therapy workshops for people in grief.